2020-09-02 01:53
<p>The Mononohare series revolves around Shunichi Rei, a second-year desensitized high school student who had met a suspicious woman at the Hachi-mountain shrine, leading to a search with his friend, Atsushi Naoko which put them to a dangerous encounter with a Yuki-onna. As Atsushi became in trouble, Shunichi remembered an odd vivid scenery, which became his solution to save both of them from their situation by shouting a certain name, resulting in a heavy hurricane that made the two of them unconscious. As he wakes up, Atsushi discovers that Fūjin Kohana is a Japanese wind of god, leaving Rei in refusal because he doesn't believe in deities. And despite being told to never come back in the shrine by Fūjin, Shunichi insisted to help her hunt all the apparitions that had escaped over their realm with the help of his friend, Atsushi Naoko.</p> <p>Halloween Aspect Theme - Apparitions Life Craft - Clairvoyance Image Credits - gomzi (ゴンジ) Contact: [email protected]</p>