2023-04-12 07:15
<p>**When Sikhail GodFiend pulled the trigger, he resolved every situation**</p> <p>Ammo…? Scenario…?Parameter 1… Initialized</p> <p>(Beep) (All conditions are met for 10 seconds… 9… 8…. 7… 6…)</p> <p>Sikhail GodFiend is an ex-student turned military expert with supernatural abilities and technology at his fingertips. After experiencing amnesia for the 4th time, he realizes things he didn't notice in the first three cycles.</p> <p>He lives in a future created by a legacy he left behind. He doesn't understand how that's possible. A cat-and-mouse chase in the shadows is the first step toward uncovering this mystery. It's a game he plays better than anyone else.</p> <p>When the two timelines merge once again, the truth stuns him.</p>