2022-01-26 22:27
<p>Hello there! My name is Zeph, which is short for Zephaniah, but due to a complication with my local Starbucks barista, you can just call me Z. However, that is unimportant as the only name you might recognize is Asp3ct. Yep, that is me. The infamous cheater and game tester extraordinaire. For those who are currently reading this, you probably have me to thank for saving your sorry asses. No need to thank me, but you're welcome. This is how it all began.</p> <p>The Riverlight Incorporated, more commonly referred to as Rinc by those blasted journalists, has not released a new gaming title in over five years. After beating out every single major gaming company over the last few years it was rather surprising to see that Rinc had no new materials for fans across the globe. What the public doesn't know is that Rinc has been working on the next generation of gaming, fully immersive virtual reality simulation. Thanks to their impressive technology, and high-tech gaming gear they are ready to release, but that falls apart when two of their top executives get stuck in the game. They will have to bring in Asp3ct to save the lives of their co-workers and narrowly avoid the potential billions at stake.</p>