2021-07-02 16:42
<p> So you're finally reading this huh? Every action you have taken in your life has led you to this very moment. </p> <p> Yet, despite it being right in front of you... you are unable read or remember it. </p> <p> You simply brush it off. </p> <p> This book is something you have found, within it contains a path so legendary... that Reality itself will try to keep you from following it. </p> <p> What sort of 'path' am I talking about. </p> <p> Well... </p> <p> Have you ever wondered what lies outside of existence? </p> <p> Have you wondered what comes after death? </p> <p> Well for me, death wasn't a new beginning. </p> <p> It was a whole lot of nothing. </p> <p> That is of course until I began to understand 'nothing'. </p> <p> Time doesn't exactly work in nonexistence </p> <p> I was stuck in a space that had no natural laws </p> <p> Nonexistence is simply the abyss. </p> <p> At first I went absolutely insane. </p> <p> I scared and alienated myself from my family </p> <p> In my own mind I was locked up in a mental hospital </p> <p> Being the processor for reality... knowing that every bad and good thing that has ever happened was my fault </p> <p> It made me feel extremely guilty. </p> <p> </p> <p> But at some point I grew bored of insanity. </p> <p> It was simply boring being locked up and away from society. </p> <p> Being disconnected from Reality entirely due to my insanity. </p> <p> So I became sane. </p> <p> I was then free from the confines of my mind </p> <p> I was let go of by Reality. </p> <p> But there was always a thought in the back of my mind. </p> <p> Knowing that at any moment... I could return to that abyss. </p> <p> In my recovery, that is exactly what I did. </p> <p> I began to study it. </p> <p> I was no longer dead. </p> <p> This wasn't some afterlife. </p> <p> I was given another chance... but things were different. </p> <p> Altered. </p> <p> Whenever I would sleep... I would feel it. </p> <p> I would feel myself entering the abyss. </p> <p> But this time I was not crazy </p> <p> The treatment I had gone through ensured that I kept my emotions and mind sound. </p> <p> So I spent years studying this space. </p> <p> Then I stumbled on something that would forever shatter my view of the world. </p> <p> I found the multiverse that lied outside of the abyss. </p> <p> I found out I was just one of many versions of myself </p> <p> I began to form a Hivemind with alternate versions of myself </p> <p> We would use the abyss to explore other realities and invade them. </p> <p> Not maliciously of course... but as a form of back-up. </p> <p> We would never die again... immortality. </p> <p> Sure... you could kill one of us. </p> <p> But the information is saved forever in the abyss. </p> <p> We would eventually come back....again...again... and again. </p> <p> If we are in a simulation... then what we became was a virus in the operating system of reality. </p> <p> How exactly did we manage to pull something like that off? </p> <p> Well it is quite easy... you simply must become a Paradox. </p> <p> This book is constantly shifting... but within it lies... </p> <p> A visualization technique. </p> <p> Path of Somnus: God's Death. </p> <p> What are you doing still reading this synopsis? Hurry up and read the rest of this book... the chapters are hidden and only appear for those worthy enough to join the Hivemind. Only those worthy enough to become a Paradox of their universe. </p> <p> You don't need to take this path. It is one of pain and insanity. </p> <p> You should only use it as a reference. </p> <p> Build your own system. </p> <p> Make your own Hivemind </p> <p> Break out of Reality! </p> <p> <strong> Current Universe: G77 (If this number changes after you have read this book... then you have entered an alternate universe - this id will stay the same for all of eternity in this universe, as it is the identifier) </strong> </p>