2020-04-20 06:54
<p>Note: This will be a standard-length novel, so the entire story might be around 80,000 to 90,000 words. Chapters will be released every Tuesdays and Thursdays.</p> <p>Note 2: This novel is also posted on justlightnovels.com.</p> <p>Surrounded by the beauty and grace of Mother Nature, there lies a little village. In serenity the villagers live without much worries except for their jobs and personal lives - after all, there seems to be no major problem at first. Everybody is happy, everybody is well. That goes the same for two girls, Neha and Sachen, who are friends since childhood, and who believe that they will stick with each other forever. But one day, the High Order of the Celestials announces that the gods are angry at the village due to the rise of sin and corruption. They will take extensive measures to ensure the village's survival, though for the girls, things are not what they seem. A series of events will forever condemn the girls in agony and sorrow, and will tear apart their little hearts.</p> <p>Illustration from book cover belongs to: Kobuta. "innocent girls." Artwork. 14 December 2017. 23:10. PIXIV. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66291601</p> <p>© 2018 SlimJim. All Rights Reserved.</p>