2020-04-20 06:29
<p>"Sorcerer's Log. Multiverse date three million, two hundred thousand and thirty six, point six.</p> <p>Hopefully I make this short and sweet if for no other reason than the stupid pose I have to be in for this to work, according to Green at least, is both ridiculous and giving me a terrible leg cramp. Leg cramps shouldn't be possible in my current shell, so there is that.</p> <p>So here goes a supposedly "Soul Inscribed" log entry take . . . some big number probably.</p> <p>My name is Jason Argamannu. I'm the Ascendant of Reality or Purple. I also sound like I'm stuck at Ascendant's Anonymous.</p> <p>I'm a rather old and quite grumpy sorcerer specializing in changing physics through mana aka reality manipulation.</p> <p>Anyway, doing this "Soul Inscription" thing always makes me tired. I can feel the Yawn of Imminent Doom coming on and the Nap to End All Naps, here at least, that will follow it and lead to the Moving On That Totally Isn't Actual Death But Instead Is Just My Soul Leaving This Body To Go Party Elsewhere. I'm actually kind of surprised I've stayed attached to this shell and this world for so long. Everyone I knew here has passed on. It really doesn't matter how immortal I make them if they eventually lose Soul Adhesion and simply stop living. Also, I only really knew like ten people</p> <p>I at least feel like I'm leaving this planet slightly better off than it was when I got here. It's even still in one piece this time!</p> <p>End log."</p> <p>Author's Note. This is a random story about an old and overpowered sorcerer doing "stuff" and "such" and occasionally "things". I make no promises about pretty much anything. I plan on updating regularly but regularly could be on a astronomic time scale.</p> <p>At some point there will some rather adult content. Swearing will come up . . . more, and hopefully in a way that is normal and not doing it just to beat Southpark. Nudity, albeit word based nudity that is all in your head, along with sex will be a thing. I make no promises on whether it will actually be worthwhile, but you have still been warned. Some traumatising-ish stuff will come up, but it will mostly be the aftermath. There might even be some "fun" involved. If you are lucky and eat all your veggies.</p> <p>I do try to proofread. I promise. . . with only a couple of toes and both eyes crossed.</p>