2020-04-20 05:31
<p>The Wingcutter Chronicles</p> <p>As told by Astrailing Verdalea, Bosmer of Nevenwood, Bard of Solitude</p> <p>A collection of the adventures and comic exploits of the (not-so) mighty Dragonborn, Rach Wingcutter, and his compatriots in war against Alduin, and other adventures inspired by the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, it's expansions, and several story/character based mods, not the least of which is SmartBlueCat's Inigo mod (which, if you play Skyrim, I literally CANNOT recommend enough. It will change your game experience, if not your whole concept of what a "follower character" can be.)This was started on the Friends of Inigo Facebook page. So while Inigo is not necessarily the main focus of this series, he will be a staple and a stabilizing factor in the many shenanigans of the argonian known as Rach Wingcutter. (Lydia, a follower from the game is also present, though her nature is determined less by the game and more on the content added, again, by the Inigo mod.)Enjoy!</p>