2023-08-19 06:01
<p>"Thaumatic Ocean" is the story of Vincent, an introverted teenage thaumaturge who struggles with his craft. The day of what was supposed to be the start of a new chapter in his life instead turns out to be the worst day of his life when he fails his certification test and is now in debt to a group of explorers with thin morals and little patience. His bleak future changes when he is given the burden honor of watching over a Leviathan's – a god's – wild, boisterous son, Kornos, with nothing more than a parting gift as payment. After a brief encounter, they flee the colony Vincent calls home, and make way to an Anomaly, fractures in reality that contain strange realms full of terrible danger and the potential for vast riches. Determined to save his family from the consequences of his failure, Vincent, joined by Kornos, Dives headfirst into a realm that traditionally requires entire teams of accomplished explorers to traverse with any modicum of safety.</p> <p>Vincent, emboldened by his new strength and allies, begins his journey from timid yet passionate inventor to accomplished Diver and thaumaturgist extraordinaire. The troubled waters he will face are as unpredictable as the vast ocean, but even the most terrible of storms can be weathered with plenty of moxie and a few friends to back you up.</p> <p>Elevator pitch: Reserved inventor meets teen Jack Sparrow/Luffy, goes on romp across magitech/oceanpunk setting, exploring fantastical environments inimicable to non-native life filled with equally hostile creatures of varying levels of terrifying a la Made in Abyss. Starts off with an advantage but no experience, slowly grows his repertoire and competence over time.</p> <p>Expect: Adventure, fish-gods, fish-god-dads, mentions of questionable parenting, depictions of sailing as written by an author who has only ever briefly set foot on a boat, crabs, surreal environments, action scenes(!), crafting (overly descriptive process only the first time), and as many fish/ocean puns as I can reasonably get away with.</p>