2022-06-27 15:29
<p>In TRANSCIETY, people live their lives in a way not unlike our own. Everyone has grown accustomed to being videotaped and surveilled—so much so that they willingly wear electronic wristbands that chronicle their every move. Drones peer down from the sky at all times, while doorbells and streetlights watch and record. It's a small price to pay for the near non-existence of crime, and the Big Eye happily provides society with a life that's free from harm. Those who do harbor ill will are no longer treated as criminals. Instead, they are fitted with an electronic mesh that rests gently atop their brain. When this 'brainboard' is turned on, a behavioral therapist links their mind directly with that of the patient, offering professional guidance on how to behave. Brainboards are achieving remarkable success. A newly sanctioned use for them is in couple's therapy. There, while under professional guidance, a husband and wife can temporarily link their minds together, saving themselves from the disgrace of having to get a divorce. Every good idea, though, has an unintended consequence.</p> <p>This story is written for The [Royal Road Community Magazine] Contest [June Edition]</p>