RSS Feed Items:

Fri 2017.01.27

Content Tags Group
Japanese children’s book review: 「にほんのマナー えほん” (Japanese Manners Illustrated Book) book, children's book, culture, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Intermediate, language, manners, review, Reviews Self Taught Japanese

Wed 2017.01.25

Content Tags Group
Official Translation Review: DanMachi Volume 3 Official Translations, Reviews Cautr's

Sat 2017.01.14

Content Tags Group
Japanese Children’s Book Review: 「言葉図鑑」(Visual Word Encyclopedia) by Taro Gomi (五味 太郎) book, children, japan, japanese, language, linguistics, portland, review, Reviews, vocabulary Self Taught Japanese

Sun 2017.01.08

Content Tags Group
Japanese Mobile App Review: Sanseido’s Gendai Shin Kokugo Jiten (三省堂現代新国語辞典) app, dictionary, General, iphone, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, jiten, learning, review, Reviews, self-taught Self Taught Japanese
Japanese historical short story review: 野望の狭間 (Opposing Ambitions) by 天野純稀 (Sumiki Amano) culture, General, grammar, historical, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, period, Reviews, short story Self Taught Japanese

Sun 2016.12.25

Content Tags Group
Mobile app review: “Kitty Collector” (neko atsume / ねこあつめ) app, collector, General, ipad, iphone, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Beginner, Japanese Study: Intermediate, mobile, neko atsume, review, Reviews Self Taught Japanese

Sun 2016.12.25

Content Tags Group
My Fallout 4 Review Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fantasy, Game Review, Mature, Mike777ac, OCD, Reviews, Science Fiction, Survival, The Elder Scrolls, Video Games Mike777ac

Thu 2016.12.08

Content Tags Group
Japanese Magazine Review: Lighthouse Seattle & Portland culture, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, lighthouse, magazine, newspaper, portland, raising a bilingual child, Reviews, seattle, west coast Self Taught Japanese

Mon 2016.12.05

Content Tags Group
December Chapocalypse Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World, CC, Chaotica's Coliseum, Chapoclypse, Chinese Novels, Christmas, December, Doom Lord, Dungeon Hunter, Everyone Else is a Returnee, Fantasy, Hardcore OP-ness, Hardcore OPness, Harem Reaper, HCL, HCOP, Holidays, HR, I'm Really a Superstar, Immortal Soul, Info, Japanese Novels, Korean Novels, Parasite, Questing, Reviews, Soul Station's Necromancer, TDD, TDoDK, TDoE, The Dao of Eros, The Diary of Destiny King, The Nine Cauldrons, The Vanilla God, TVG, Update, Vending Machine Mike777ac

Sun 2016.10.30

Content Tags Group
Japanese literature review: Kenji Miyazawa’s “Matasaburo of the Wind” classic, culture, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, kenji miyazawa, language, literature, review, Reviews, short story, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Wed 2016.10.19

Content Tags Group
Japanese drama review: Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store (ニーチェ先生~コンビニに) comedy, drama, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, nietzsche, review, Reviews Self Taught Japanese

Tue 2016.10.11

Content Tags Group
That Alone is Good Enough (Chapter 1) not so random, Okay, Random, Reviews, Teaser Hellping

Wed 2016.09.21

Content Tags Group
Official Translation Review: The Devil is a Part-Timer! Volume 1 Official Translations, Reviews Cautr's

Thu 2016.08.04

Content Tags Group
Japanese Anime Review: “Time of Eve” (イブの時間) anime, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, movie, review, Reviews, series, time of eve Self Taught Japanese
Japanese short story review: “Memoirs of a traveller” (ある旅人の手記) by Romo Mamiya (まみや ろも) fiction, free, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Moderate, memoirs, Reviews, short story, shousetsuka, travel, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Mon 2016.07.25

Content Tags Group
Japanese short story review: 「緩慢な表象と虚ろな幻想」”Unreliable Symbol, Hollow Illusion” by 藤村由紀 (Yuki Fujimura) free, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, meta, review, Reviews, short story, shousetsu, surreal, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Wed 2016.07.20

Content Tags Group
Japanese Novel Review: “Witch of the Library” (図書館の魔女) by Daisuke Takada (高田 大介) [1st book] book, fantasy, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, literature, novel, review, Reviews, takada Self Taught Japanese

Sun 2016.07.17

Content Tags Group
Kukai: Quite possibly the best Ramen in America culture, food, General, japanese, ramen, restaurant, review, Reviews, soup, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.06.30

Content Tags Group
Japanese site review for free online novels: 「小説家になろう」 books, culture, free, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, novel, novelist, online, Reviews, shousetsuka, translation, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Wed 2016.06.29

Content Tags Group
“Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter” Review anime, Common Sense of a duke's daugther, manga, Novel, Oujosama, Reincarnated, Review, Reviews, Webnovel nsiriblog

Thu 2016.06.02

Content Tags Group
“The Girl Who Ate Death” Review Blood, Dark, Female, Food, Gluttony, Hunger, Magic, Politics, Poverty, Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Reviews, Starvation, Strong female lead, Tactics, Terrors of War, War, Webnovel nsiriblog

Wed 2016.05.25

Content Tags Group
Review: Transition (Anathema Book 1) Reviews, the Ae Anasaliivia. re is ar, Transition (Anathema) Tieshaunn

Mon 2016.05.23

Content Tags Group
Japanese Novel Review: 『そして、星の輝く夜がくる』(Soshite, Hoshi no kagayaku yoru ga kuru) by 真山仁 (Jin Mayama) book, culture, disaster, earthquake, fukushima, hanshin, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, language, review, Reviews, tsunami Self Taught Japanese

Sat 2016.05.14

Content Tags Group
Yuzu kaiten-zushi restaurant in David, Florida – One of the best in south florida davie, florida, food, General, japan, japanese, restaurant, review, Reviews, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.05.12

Content Tags Group
My serial needs your vote! fantasy, free, rating, RAZE, review, reviews, serial, stories, vote, web serial, web series, webfiction D. Thourson Palmer

Mon 2016.05.09

Content Tags Group
Japanese cool band: Fox Capture Plan culture, fox capture plan, General, japan, japanese, jazz, music, review, Reviews, techno Self Taught Japanese

Sat 2016.05.07

Content Tags Group
Origami Tales: The artful performance of Kuniko Yamamoto culture, japan, japanese, language, linguistics, origami, osaka, performance, performances, review, Reviews, tokyo Self Taught Japanese

Sat 2016.04.30

Content Tags Group
A place to learn more about Hokusai culture, General, hokusai, japan, japanese, paintings, review, Reviews, web sites Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.04.28

Content Tags Group
Japanese podcast review: “僕と、嫁さんと、息子と、ゲームと” (My wife, my son, games, and me) culture, gaming, General, itunes, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, Podcast, raising a bilingual child, review, Reviews, self-study Self Taught Japanese

Wed 2016.04.20

Content Tags Group
Japanese book review: “Reserved Seat: Short short oukoku” by Jiro Akagawa akagawa jiro, author, culture, General, grammar, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Intermediate, literature, review, Reviews, short stories, short story Self Taught Japanese

Mon 2016.04.04

Content Tags Group
Review time! bestfantasybooks, fantasy, OItS, reviews, thanks D. Thourson Palmer

Sun 2016.04.03

Content Tags Group
Japanese movie review: “百瀬、こっちを向いて” (My pretend girlfriend) critique, culture, General, hayami akari, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Intermediate, momose, movie, opinion, review, Reviews, romance Self Taught Japanese

Mon 2016.03.28

Content Tags Group
Novel Review – When Hikaru was on Earth…… Reviews Hellping

Wed 2016.03.23

Content Tags Group
Novel Review – The Circumstances Leading to Waltraute’s Marriage Reviews Hellping

Wed 2016.03.23

Content Tags Group
Novel Review: Tomorrow I will die, you will revive Reviews Hellping

Wed 2016.03.23

Content Tags Group
Novel Review – I’m a Royal Tutor in My Sister’s Dress Reviews Hellping

Thu 2016.03.17

Content Tags Group
Book Review: “Teaching methods based on student native language: English Edition” by Kazuko Nakagawa academic, book, culture, General, grammar, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Moderate, lecture, review, Reviews, teaching, textbook, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Sat 2016.03.12

Content Tags Group
Japanese Movie Review: “Eternal First Love” culture, eternal first love, japan, japanese, movie, review, Reviews, saki aibu, translation Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.03.10

Content Tags Group
Book Review: “Tokyo: Capital of Cool” by Rob Goss book, cool, culture, General, guidebook, photographs, review, Reviews, rob goss, tokyo, travel, tuttle, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Mon 2016.03.07

Content Tags Group
Ours Is the Storm makes top 25 list! badass, best of, book, fantasy, novel, OItS, review, reviews, top 25 D. Thourson Palmer

Wed 2016.03.02

Content Tags Group
Richmond Elementary School: one of the few true Japanese immersion programs in the US bilingual, culture, elementary school, General, immersion, oregon, portland, program, raising a bilingual child, Reviews, richmond Self Taught Japanese

Tue 2016.02.23

Content Tags Group
Japanese novel review: “Downtown Rocket” (下町ロケット, shitamachi roketto)by Jun Ikeido (池井戸潤) book, business, culture, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, jun ikeido, modern, novel, Reviews, shitamachi roketto, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Sun 2016.02.07

Content Tags Group
Lego Ninjago Anime on Youtube – in Japanese dubbed, General, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, language, Lego, ninja, ninjago, Reviews, study, youtube Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.02.04

Content Tags Group
Japanese Language Stack Exchange – forum for asking question about Japanese language forum, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Beginner, Japanese Study: Intermediate, message board, questions, review, Reviews, stack overflow Self Taught Japanese

Sun 2016.01.31

Content Tags Group
Thoughts on working part time for a month as a Japanese to English translator at commentary, english, experience, General, gengo, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Reviews, translate, translation, translator, Uncategorized Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.01.28

Content Tags Group
Anime Film Review: The Wind Rises (風立ちぬ) [Miyazaki’s final film] commentary, critism, culture, film, General, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, kaze tachinu, miyazaki, movie, review, Reviews Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2016.01.14

Content Tags Group a great place to browse and buy Japanese E-books booklive, culture, e-book, japan, japanese, Japanese Study: Advanced, Japanese Study: Intermediate, Reviews, Uncategorized, 電子書籍 Self Taught Japanese

Thu 2015.12.31

Content Tags Group
微微一笑很倾城 (Just One Smile Is Very Alluring)(Review) Gu Man, just one smile very alluring, review, Reviews

Mon 2015.12.28

Content Tags Group
When He Comes, Close Your Eyes by Ding Mo (Review) chinese novel, crime, Ding Mo, english, HE, mystery, review, Reviews, translation

Thu 2015.12.24

Content Tags Group
Ballad of the Desert by Tong Hua (Review) ballad of the desert, chinese, Reviews, romance, tong hua