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Mon 2022.08.15

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Schooling 24-01 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Brumal, Caishen, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Hobbes, It’s Gonna Be So Embarrassing When They Turn Around And Find Out Everyone Was Cheering For The Baseball Team’s Mascot Right Behind Them, Paintball, Poise, Silversmith, Style, Summus Proelium, Uh‚ Cass I’m Pretty Sure The Biggest Thing Roald Was Nervous Was Talking To Your Dad Who Is Also The Richest Man In Town And Also The Leader Of The Super Mafia Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.08.10

Content Tags Group
Interlude 23C – Ministry (Summus Proelium) Alcazar, Elena Evans, Honestly‚ Elena‚ I Really Don’t Think Seeing A Bear In The Arena Could Have Caused Any More Chaos Than Was Already Happening At That Point, Ministers Gray, Price, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, Well Shit No Wonder Everyone Was Busy‚ And Imagine How Pissed Off Deicide Is Right Now Heretical Edge

Sat 2022.08.06

Content Tags Group
Commissioned Interlude 11 – Civ-Touched (Summus Proelium) Collyn Elliot, Cooper Oscalan, Going By His Fashion Sense When It Comes To Suits‚ Maybe It’s A Good Thing That Cooper Isn’t A Superhero. Everyone In The City Might Go Blind From His Costume, Hey Don’t Knock That Being Comfortable No Matter What The Temperature Is Power‚ I’d Practically Kill For That, I Was Going To Name Venus After The New Female Ninja Turtle Instead Of The Old One‚ But Her Name Is Jennika And Well..., Nadia Campbell, Summus Proelium, Troy Garey, Venus Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.08.05

Content Tags Group
Interlude 23B – Grandstand (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Broadway, Grandstand, Jason Rafferty, Jennica Rafferty, Okay Would Someone Please Go Check On That House And See If The Orb Is Subletting The Basement Or Something?, Paintball, Setrea Keve, Summus Proelium, Thank God Jennica Hasn’t Figured Out That She Should Only Monologue After The Other People Are Already Dead. Or Never., Trove Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.08.01

Content Tags Group
Interlude 23A – Broadway (Summus Proelium) Broadway, Grandstand, Holiday, Jason Rafferty, KD Rafferty, Luciano Munoz, Mars Bar, Oh Sure‚ The One Time Just Heading Off The Evil Monologuing At The Start Was A Bad Idea..., Pack, Points If You Realized The Zombie They Found Coming Out Of The Closet Was Luciano From The Description, Riddles, Scatters, Summus Proelium, Tuesday, Twinkletoes Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.07.27

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-17 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Fisher, For A Lot Of People Who Only Knew Paintball Through The Yakety Sax Cuelebre Chase Video‚ This Is Like Watching Bugs Bunny Storm The Beaches Of Normandy, Hobbes, I Mean‚ That Normandy Thing Was Probably In A Cartoon, Ministers Gray, Nah I’m Pretty Sure It Would’ve Been Daffy Duck, Paintball, Poise, Style, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.07.22

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-16 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Broadway, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Given The Way Some Minor League Teams Try To Attract Attention With Events‚ A Few Of Those Fans Still Aren’t One Hundred Percent Sure This Isn’t A Stunt, Grandstand, Hobbes, Holiday, Mars Bar, Pack, Paintball, Poise, Style, Summus Proelium, Well Color The Ministry Intrigued About Paintball Requesting Their Help Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.07.18

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-15 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Broadway, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Grandstand, Hobbes, My Cabbages!, Pack, Paintball, Poise, Style, Summus Proelium, Well‚ You Guys DID Want As Much Help As You Could Get, You Guys Would’ve Gotten There Faster If You Stopped Being Cowards And Let Paintball Drive Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.07.13

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-14 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Broadway, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Hobbes, If It Wasn’t Clear Already‚ The Special Effects Required Just To Show Cassidy Sticking Her Hand Through The Crack Would Preclude This From Being A CW Show, Mars Bar, On The Other Hand‚ Could You Imagine The Riverdale Crossover?, Pack, Paintball, Poise, Style, Summus Proelium, Twinkletoes Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.07.08

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-13 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, And Yeah‚ That Wasn’t A Full List Of Batman Allies‚ But That Really Only Proves Her Point More, Broadway, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Either This Guy Has Really Escalated A Lot Over The Past Couple Months‚ Or There Is Something Else Going On, Hobbes, Pack, Paintball, Pittman Had Better Not Have Anything To Do With This‚ Or I Quit, Poise, Quit? You Can’t Quit. You’re Stuck Here, Riddles, Right‚ But I Promise‚ Being Stuck Somewhere Does Not Mean I Have To Contribute, Style, Summus Proelium, Trevithick, Usually You Have To Start Contributing Before You Can Stop, When Did I Lose Control Of These Tags? Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.07.04

Content Tags Group
Patreon Snippets 26B (Summus Proelium) Alkazar, Amber O'Connell, Fisher, Good News‚ Izzy‚ You Will Never Have To Have That Conversation With Your Mother, Hakeem Harris, Haven, Izzy Amor, I’m Pretty Sure Most People Didn’t Have Tricia The Receptionist Anywhere Near The Top Of Their Ministry Leaders Suspects List, Kent Jackson, Maybe Not‚ But Knowing This Audience She Was Probably On The List Of Suspected MEMBERS, Mills Jackson, Minister Gold, Minister White, Ministers Gray, Points To Any Who Remembered Minister Gray Was Who Paige Talked To On The Phone In Interlude 8‚ And Immediately Started To Wonder If It Was The Bear Or Racoon, Price, Relapse, Rook, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, Tapping Man, Tricia Peppernickle, Well I’m Sure There’s No Way The Ministry Looking Into What The Body In The Tube Looks Like Will Complicate Things For Cassidy Down The Line Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.06.29

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-12 (Summus Proelium) Acacia Robinson, Alloy, Broadway, Caishen, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Carlos Flores, Cassidy Evans, Hey We Better Get To Actually See Wren Visit Lightning Bug, Hobbes, Of Course It’s The Ten Towers Leader Most Focused On Stopping A Zombie Apocalypse. Capitalism Doesn’t Tend To Last Very Long Under Those, Pack, Paintball, Poise, Riddles, Style, Summus Proelium, Trevithick, Well I Think I Can Safely Say That None Of You Guessed The Bad Guy Would Be Broadway’s Brother Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.06.24

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-11 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Apparently Paige’s See Red Button Is The Thought Of Cassidy Getting Hurt. Not Exactly A Surprise‚ Really, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Dash Cooper, Hey The First Full Team Fight Didn’t Go That Bad. They Won! Sure The Guy Got Away‚ But Still, Hobbes, Paintball, Poise, Style, Summus Proelium, Trevithick Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.06.20

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-10 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Constantly Being Shot With Paint While You're Running Has To Be A Weird Feeling To Get Used To, Dash Cooper, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, Hobbes, It’s Okay‚ I’m Sure TWO Literally Dead People Touching With The Exact Same Powers Within the Same Time Period Is Super Common And Not Weird At All, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Poise, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Style, Summus Proelium, Trevithick, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge
Enkindle 23-09 (Summus Proelium) Any Bets On Which Of The Four Technically Unpowered Members Of This Group Will Be The One Who Touches At Some Point?, Calvin (Summus Proelium), Cassidy Evans, Framework, Glitch, Hobbes, I Guess Making Oceans Of Money While Stopping The City From Descending Into Total Chaos Is Worth More To Glitch Than Making A Pittance Taxing Wren’s Normal Work, I’m Just Saying‚ If Murphy Wants To Go By The Name Hobbes She Needs To Paint Tiger Stripes Somewhere Over Her Costume, Paintball, Poise, Style, Summus Proelium, Trevithick Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.06.10

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-08 (Summus Proelium) Amber O'Connell, Cassidy Evans, Clearly The Problem With The Duskrunners Franchise Is They Don’t Have A Brilliant Yet Paranoid Mouse TONI As Their Head Writer, Dani Kalvers, Elena Evans, I Wonder What The Rules Are For Paying The Tax And Then Turning Around And Interfering With Their Criminal Activities‚ Costing Them More Money Than You Paid, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Paintball, San Francisco Cavers, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.06.06

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-07 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, If Fred Thinks He’s Horrified About Pointing A Gun At Cassidy‚ He Should Imagine How Cuelebre Would Feel About His Part In Nearly Killing The Ministry Princess, Or How Blackjack Would Feel Knowing He Sent Their Daughter Into Danger For His Benefit, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan, Yes This Does Mean Paige And Sierra Will Be Appearing In Front Of Glitch With Actual Codenames So Feel Free To Make Your Guesses Now Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.06.01

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-06 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, God Damn It‚ Cass‚ Would You Finally Just Tell-- Wait What Did She Just Say?, I Mean You’ve Seen Lightning Bug‚ Would You Want To See People Blame Her Mom For Bad Stuff Your Own Parents Did?, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Points To Those Of You Who Remember That Cassidy Was Previously Told By The Cop Outside Luciano’s Laundromat That He Owed Money To Oscuro, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.05.27

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-05 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, I’m Sorry‚ What The FUCK Was That?!?!, Murphy What Fucked Up Monkey’s Paw Bullshit Wish For A Chance To Deal With That Guy Yourself Did You Make?, Paintball, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.05.23

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-04 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, Let’s Be Honest‚ Cassidy‚ Your BED By Itself Is More Expensive Than That Entire Apartment, Oh Hey Convenient‚ There’s Luciano‚ Just Ask Him To Explain What Happened!, Paintball, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.05.18

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-03 (Summus Proelium) As If You Don’t Know How To Deal With Zombies By Now‚ Fli-Err Whoops Wrong Story, Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, Is Anyone Else Morbidly Hoping Cassidy Gets Another Chance To Drive Soon?, Pack, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium, That-A-Way, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.05.13

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-02 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, Joyride Poked Her Head Into This Reality Just A Little Bit For A Second There, Pack, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Roald Nilsen, Sierra Nevada, Suddenly Dani Has Plans To Look Into Cassidy Evans To Find Out What Pittman Wanted With Her. Which Will Be Totally Fine And Not Complicate Things At All, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.05.09

Content Tags Group
Enkindle 23-01 (Summus Proelium) Amber O'Connell, Cassidy Evans, Clearly Jefferson Has Never Seen Sterling As Any More Of A Villain Than Hearing That He Might Have Planned To Intentionally Break The School Schedule, Izzy Amor, Jefferson Cartwright, Paige Banners, Paintball, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium, Well It Shouldn’t Matter If They Recognize Sierra Since You’re Planning On Telling Them The Truth Soon Anyway‚ Right Cassidy? RIGHT CASSIDY? Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.05.04

Content Tags Group
Interlude 22C – Double-Oh Eits (Summus Proelium) Arleigh Fosters, But Hey‚ At Least If Cup And Pencil Manage To Open That Box Cassidy Won’t Have To Worry About Confronting Her Parents Much Longer, Dude You Realize If They Get Control Of Sterling The Very First Thing They’d Make Him Do Is Kill His Daughter, Eits, Errol Fosters, Honestly I’m Just Impressed That Arleigh And Micah’s Version Of Truth Or Dare Doesn’t Involve Physical Violence, Micah Fosters, Minister Gold, Ryder Towling, Summus Proelium, Trey Fosters Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.04.29

Content Tags Group
Interlude 22B – Meanwhile On Breakwater (Summus Proelium) And Thus The True Evil Of This Universe Is Revealed To Be Reality TV, Bamband, Colin Andrews, Flea, Hazel Ruthers, Irelyn Banners, Is That Really A Revelation Though?, Lyle Powell, Sharealike, Sickleshot, Summus Proelium, That Guy Put All His Character Points Into Monologuing And None Into Reading The Fucking Room, Trivial Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.04.25

Content Tags Group
Patreon Snippets 25 (Summus Proelium) Alcazar, Brumal, Caishen, Careful About Snapping Chains‚ Sterling. Sometimes They’re Holding Up Something Pretty Important., Elena Evans, Flea, Hallowed, It’s Weird But For Some Strange Reason The Way Lucent Phrased The Options For Their Vote Made Me Think He Had A Preferred Outcome, Lucent, Paige Banners, Paige Was Going To Suggest She Go With Sierra Raige But That Sounds Like A Gatorade Flavor., Sierra Nevada, Silversmith, Skip, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, The Transporter Character Was Gonna Be Called Bifrost But That Led Me To The Rainbow Bridge Which Led To Wizard Of Oz Then Yellowbrick And That Is More Fun, Trivial Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.04.20

Content Tags Group
Interlude 22A – The Artist Formerly Known As Raige (Summus Proelium) Clearly Pittman Programmed In An Aversion To Chocolate Just To Be A Dick, Finally I Can Write Her Real Name Properly Without Constantly Deleting And Replacing It With Raige To Avoid Spoiling It, Paige Banners, Sierra Nevada, Summus Proelium, You Can Easily Go Visit The Sierra Nevadas‚ Dude. Just Pose As Cassidy And Get Her Parents To Take You Heretical Edge
Dig In 22-15 (Summus Proelium) Amber O’Connell, Cassidy Evans, How Ironic Is It That It’s The Fully Biological Cassidy Whose Brain Completely Blue Screened Multiple Times During This Chapter?, Izzy Amor, I’m Pretty Sure This Version Of That Show Never Would Have Made It On Disney Channel, One‚ Neither Would Miley Cyrus Today And Two‚ Neither Of Those Facts Is Necessarily A Bad Thing, Paige Banners, Place Your Bets On What Raige Will Choose For A New Name Next Chapter!, Raige, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.04.11

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-14 (Summus Proelium) Amber O'Connell, Cassidy Evans, Check It Out One Of The Villains In The Other Story Is A Gravedigger And Judging From Those Freezers One Of The Villains In This One Is A Graverobber!, Ehh To Be Fair I’m Pretty Sure The Other Guy Has Robbed Plenty Of Graves, Is Her Name Rassidy Now?, Izzy Amor, Or Is It Caige?, Paige Banners, Please‚ It Would Be Caige If It Was A Cassidy Mind Inside A Paige Body, Raige, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.04.06

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-13 (Summus Proelium) Boy Cassidy’s Wish To Never Wear The Padded Bra Again Fizzled Really Fast, Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, I Dunno‚ Raige And Paige Are Getting Pretty Good At Sharing That Body. Are You Sure You Want To Split Up?, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Peyton Favors, Raige, Roald Nilsen, Summus Proelium, Unfortunately Every Chapter From Here On Is Cancelled Because Raige Just Murdered Me For The Above Suggestion, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.04.01

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-12 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Clearly The Twist Next Chapter Is A Revelation That They Were All Caught Immediately And Cassidy Just Hallucinated All Of This While Drugged‚ Right?, Eleanor Murphy, I Mean Say What You Will About The Ministry’s Villainous Pursuits But Their Response Time Is Pretty Impressive, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Peyton Favors, Raige, Roald Nilsen, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.03.28

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-11 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Dude‚ I Think The Color Of Paint Cassidy Used To Automatically Know Everything About The Room Was An Invisible Shade Called Bullshit, Eleanor Murphy, Hang On‚ Is The Plan Actually Working Legal Or Am I About To Be Ticketed, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Peyton Favors, Raige, Roald Nilsen, Summus Proelium, Well To Be Fair They Haven’t Actually Gotten Away Yet‚ But We’re Probably On Thin Ice Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.03.23

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-10 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Imagine Being The Person Who Has To Tell Sterling And Elena That You Shot Their Daughter, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Raige, Raindrop, Roald Nilsen, Summus Proelium, Well That Was A Good Solid Fifteen Seconds Of The Plan Going Smoothly. Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.03.18

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-09 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, Imagine Being The Guy So Down On His Luck He’s Trying To Rob A Pet Groomer And Then Getting Caught By A Couple Heroes Who Are Ninety Seven Percent Distracted, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Paintball, Peyton Favors, Raige, Raige Is Just Surprised (And A Little Disappointed) She’s Not The One Who Made Things Awkward, Raindrop, Roald Nilsen, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.03.14

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-08 (Summus Proelium) Benjamin Pittman, Cassidy Evans, Izzy Amor, I’m Pretty Sure Paige And Raige Are Just Petty Enough To Hack Official Records And Change His Name To Stankbutt Pittman, Paige Banners, Paintball, Raige, Raindrop, Someone Should Tell Irelyn That The One Thing That Was Able To Convince Raige and Paige To Share Control Of The Body Was Her Being In Danger, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.03.09

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-07 (Summus Proelium) Cassidy Evans, Elena Evans, For Fuck’s Sake Elena And Sterling Would You Two Stop Being So Damn Likable And Start Twirling Mustaches And Monologuing About World Domination Already?, Izzy Amor, Simon Evans, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, There’s Plenty Of Water Around Detroit For You To Use‚ Izzy There Was No Need To Pull Everyone’s Tears Out Of Their Eyes Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.03.04

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-06 (Summus Proelium) Aikawa Inari, Amber O'Connell, Cassidy Evans, It’d Be Funny If Amber And Izzy Know Irelyn Is Flea But Don’t Know That Each Other Know‚ So All 3 Are Individually Stressing Over Keeping A Secret They All Know, Izzy Amor, Summus Proelium, Tomas Jackson, You Think You’re Confused About How To Refer To Maki‚ Cass? The Tags Call Them By A Completely Different Name! Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.02.28

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-05 (Summus Proelium) Benjamin Pittman, Cassidy Evans, I Don’t Know How Anyone Can Say Cassidy Doesn’t Have An Official Love Interest Yet When Her Ongoing Romance With Breakfast Sandwiches Has Been So Clear, Izzy Amor, Paige Banners, Paintball, Raige, Summus Proelium, Well Now I Wanna See The Adventures Of Young Flea In The Early Days Of Touched Society Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.02.23

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-04 (Summus Proelium) But Is This Tunnel Steve McQueen Approved?, Cassidy Evans, Come On Dude‚ Do You Really Expect Anyone To Get That Reference?, Dunno But There’s Definitely No Cooler Kings Than Anyone Who Does., If Ever There Was A Time To Spontaneously Develop The Power To Stab Someone Through A Phone Connection, Pack, Paintball, Raindrop, Riddles, Scatters, Summus Proelium, That-A-Way, Twinkletoes Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.02.18

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-03 (Summus Proelium) Amber O'Connell, Cassidy Evans, Jae Baek, Paige Banners, Paintball, People Acting Like Being Told To Stay Home For The Good Of The Greater Population Is Tyranny? When Will This Story Finally Have Something Relatable In It?, Raige, So Uhh Do Raige And Paige Want To Tell Cassidy Anything Potentially Relevant About Irelyn And Her Relative Helplessness? No? Okie dokie., Summus Proelium, Tomas Jackson Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.02.14

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-02 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Angel Dust, Bunglebotch, Cassidy Evans, Eleanor Murphy, Fred Donovan, Kinda Slid Right On Past That Whole Bit About Cassidy Being Lucky To Survive Being Teleported Didn’t You Wren?, Oh Good If There Was One Thing Cassidy Was Lacking It’s Fell Touched Who Are Annoyed With Her, Paintball, Roald Nilsen, Stick, Summus Proelium, Wren Donovan Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.02.09

Content Tags Group
Dig In 22-01 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Angel Dust, Cassidy Evans, I Like To Think That Paintball Landing In That Guy’s Kitchen And Then Dashing Through Grocery Woman’s Apartment Is How Those Two Met And Started Dating, Paintball, Paintball Better Batman Vanish Out Of The Area Before People Start Asking Who’s Responsible For Moving The Enormous Semi Trailer That Is Now Blocking The Street, Summus Proelium Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.02.04

Content Tags Group
Interlude 21B – Setrea (Summus Proelium) Coverfire, Excuse Me Coverfire And Yahui‚ Are You Two Aware That You’re Breaking The International Villains Infighting Law By Being At All Reasonable About This?, Grandstand, Is It Me Or Could This Guy Have Stopped A Hell Of A Lot Of Problems Just By Telling Her This Shit From The Start?, Kurt Bonnegan, Miles Boyd, Setrea Keve, Summus Proelium, Yahui Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.01.31

Content Tags Group
Patreon Snippets 24B (Summus Proelium) Elena Evans, Eric Abbot, Look Story‚ We Read You To Enjoy Epic Fights And Crazy Superheroics‚ Not To Be Reminded That The Milk Is About To Expire And About How Tired We Are., Melissa Abbot, Quick Poll‚ Would You Find Never Needing To Breathe Or Eat Or Drink Worth It If You Also Could Never Taste Anything?, Roald Nilsen, Rubi Nilsen, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, You People Keep Not Voting For The Sterling And Elena Backstory Interlude So I Snuck Some Of It Into This One! Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.01.26

Content Tags Group
Interlude 21A – An Unexpected Detour (Summus Proelium) Albert Elcott, Flea, Hazel Ruthers, Hey Look It’s The Town I Grew Up In Til I Was Thirteen‚ Everyone Say Hi!, I Tell You One Thing‚ If Paige And Raige Find Out About This That Tunnel’s Getting Dug A Hell Of A Lot Faster, Irelyn Banners, Summus Proelium, Trivial Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.01.21

Content Tags Group
Equal And Opposite 21-10 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Call Him Dad Just To See The Look On His Face You Coward!, Cassidy Evans, Fragile, Paintball, Raindrop, Silversmith, Summus Proelium, Syndicate, That-A-Way, The Arc Has To End There Because Cassidy Is Unconscious From All The Rotten Fruit Everyone In The Room Threw At Her For That One, Whamline, Wobble, You Guys Escaped A Dramatic Cliffhanger Only To Be Viciously Backstabbed By A Terrible Pun Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.01.17

Content Tags Group
Equal And Opposite 21-09 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Broadway, Cassidy Evans, Fragile, Mars Bar, Pack, Paintball, Raindrop, Richard Mornes, Scatters, Silversmith, Summus Proelium, That-A-Way, Tuesday, Turn Around And Run Away‚ Cassidy‚ They'll Never Suspect Anything That Way!, Whether She Appears As Herself Or As Another Character‚ Pack’s Natural Form Is Always A Troll Heretical Edge

Wed 2022.01.12

Content Tags Group
Equal And Opposite 21-08 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Andy Baener, Cassidy Evans, Fragile, I Would Tell Cassidy To At Least Be Glad The Posing As A Boy Thing Means She Won’t Run Into The Same Problem As Izzy With Her Cosplayer. But Rule 63 Exists, Paintball, Raindrop, Summus Proelium, Syndicate, That-A-Way, Whamline, Whamline’s Just Jealous Because The Incogniter He Stole From Jolene Iverson’s Body Is Not Nearly That Advanced, Wobble Heretical Edge

Fri 2022.01.07

Content Tags Group
Equal And Opposite 21-07 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Bokor, Boulderdash, Brumal, Cassidy Evans, Christiana Diaz, Dynamic, Fragile, Kriegspiel, Nah You Can Totally Trust Everyone At That Table‚ Especially That Whamline Dude. He Seems Like A Swell Guy, Paintball, Radiant, Raindrop, RePete, Silversmith, Skin-Head, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, Syndicate, That Very Brief Pause Was Christiana Wondering If Paintball Knows More Than He Should Or Just Made An Extraordinarily Appropriate Joke, That-A-Way, The Above Tag And That Moment In General Are Probably Confusing If You Don’t Remember That Christiana Is The Ministry Assassin Known As Plan Z, Versed, Whamline, Wobble Heretical Edge

Mon 2022.01.03

Content Tags Group
Equal And Opposite 21-06 (Summus Proelium) Alloy, Bokor, Boulderdash, Brumal, Cassidy Evans, Dynamic, Elena Evans, Eric Abbot, Fragile, Hallowed, I'm Kind Of Disappointed That Melissa Didn’t Go With Plan A Of Turning The Glass Into A Giant Dinosaur That Would Pretend To Try To Eat People, Kent Jackson, Kriegspiel, Lucent, Mills Jackson, Paintball, Raindrop, RePete, Silversmith, Skin-Head, So How Many Of You Just Snarled For Whamline To Get His Murdering Piece Of Shit Hands Off Of Raindrop?, Sterling Evans, Summus Proelium, Syndicate, That-A-Way, Versed, Whamline, Wobble Heretical Edge