The main character, Raphael, is a swordsman who can't feel emotions. He considers this to be a failure to fulfill a basic human function, and he wants to remedy his deficiencies. This is the story of what he does to fix himself.
The story is ultimately about grief. What it does to the heart and mind and how we can move past it; the friends we meet along the way and trying to ensure that there is hope. Raphael's story is one of moving past that which breaks our minds and hearts. Life is the true trial Raphael must face.
The cover is concept art. My brother is going to do a real cover, eventually. Probably. Hopefully.
So I lost a computer in the course of making this. I've gotten so derailed that I'm having trouble making new chapters. I've lost my train of thought and will be putting this on hold. Sorry.
Update: 6/16/2021: I've decided that I could do much better so I'm scrapping the current chapters and plan on reworking the entire story. I am also starting something different so I can mix it up when I have writer's block for one story. The other story won't be posted here unless my friends pressure me into it. Keep an eye out. I'll be deleting the old chapters but I will replace them as I go.