2024-04-09 03:05
<p>Foreword: ContenTitles do not contain artificial glitches: you can glosSound out phoniCoil tone, or connecTweezeRift the micro'sliVerse stoPaN-grow: equations of association binding imMergeRaise & simiLurch soundWOVErlap# = These Div÷mentions by which I approximaTheme are intendeDropCipheRe$eat"yeWeigh=taste of reason+heaTown...(I feeLycan concenTrait StorMissile byproduCuriouSuggestiVantage radiaTEasEmotion.) *Hit folds less crowded in the actual prose for the large part, until the piraTEch and sylPHrames converge near to encouraGroom cobBLenDefying tilt parameters.</p> <p>If perSeeptions geTARrive $Plot`chafe among the outpour?: Well shores often contain some jagged mineRolls, shhLapping the tides to geNewind~lace stUn>^ yet Life floWith conDeWit abstractions among varying fauceTube shaPEeRush swirling againsTeach otheRim.</p> <p>These transition-collisions harbor what's partially known as Liminal space = where things are kinda birtheDying to replacEach whether: Filt'Spur yields of AlcheMiStiry! MagiChordination revolve due complex advent, dancing between restriConcealeDepths of contouRation...</p> <p>Synop$*Lits :~</p> <p>A backwater bunch of students wedge between high-$takes RiVaultry as they pursue contraband come~Oddities: exciTrading slot"Chordized life FoamationS'Wish coax gradual avenues to redesign self-consistency. Sever-already genetically flexi%Boil /{-}\ including Pyramis, who's been plasTar^diced by Whiirr%pool among his father's museum archives, covertly intercepted by the SILPH~sprouting who speak of magnifying rich*jeWell sources, while team gets mArc*head by the Cybrrr^coping for hybrid#Tat Renaissance. Little arrives acid*enTall, spoked between princiPole{-}cropped trauMAtrix manifeSTyLumps ×÷✓</p> <p>Microscopic geomeDrift gListen, simmering inside ALL revoked LicenSEige; if any humans wand Influence, they'll have to Fil+Tear bait4 cyclEtching fresh temPullates. Observe as bartering measures witchin Rubecca {half of town LegenDivide by BuccaNear mer~Murds} romps out of cottage and into the surFray, deFleXsting hunches about Hype'nostriCulLeeRup'Scan... girded by e¢h0massinGourd beacoNest, perhaPrivy she'll succeed in plasMArCaMorSoul velociTYing shelf'Tier for compatriots. But parce-drill truths elude her conducive Maternity: heavin' they don't foresee what Machinay~row poach waveRing behind mentor$hips -- & the Staff's breW'hire Tw'in~f!ame materi'Oils. They'll have to aid the swayLeaNosy, redeem misplaceDisgrunTooled parents, & cobBell together braGhost-glued gloves in order to keePeace, enhanStamina & ERAdicate squeamish incompati'Baility: [Some don't mind plodding among human spectaCul'Cheer, absorbing low-key convenient markets, while others would prefer aggrandize nesTreasures or "conjoin/contort a circus" for fame/amusement.] +Only deliFerry lacking is the pharMess-psuedoNymph of youth...</p> <p>(;\~That's about where book #1 is scheduled to wraPick up for a sequel~/:) First, minDials must learn to accomoDarThreads of transparentSeeDissolvement, get used to vulneraBoiLiSTain + then map vorTEXture grid$tride values, before they shoulDare pusHatch force-fielDexterity or floodlights!</p> <p>What do all the desires have in common? They want others to absorb their flavor!>_ Fire sum, that means respecFile exchange, while others it translates to curdling oppresSkin. Will anyone Altar their communiTune -+ could anyone manage consecrate Monument or fesTradition? Ex*YeT should mortaliTraVeiLED foamenTides be harnessed, all that remains is fanciful self expression. Trading would be neutralized for any crave-source-serenading. A wiSEntity would prize that endeavor first, and stock epHumoral productions for after acuMend. $WarMeans distancing any flaky or chafing associaTaSTEriLice...</p> <p>Gestures & genders begin to hanggg slAPprehensively about who ruGuards what: (*cussTombs & hostages DOTh ripple..).) promiSEaling deforMat'Hornz as $eekers strive to polish gossamAnchor Abodes of neck;tar where fore-shaken i./Deals must beRidge+strucToured ~%> = Refoπging chains of demand seems to be a staple Aim, so the expanding can scarcely remain Earthbound stir #Lawn, whence Puri+F*Lock=gliMeπGe§tate* migration÷×} TerraFarming a labPurrynth of DomiNibblink'OrGrinds cook uncloGarBlade dimHeart}$"HorNear wheel`CycLord flogginGrasPluck soni©atheDrill§° hatching skeleconTorChanTissue ✓∆⚡ towSuit & vivify slic`EnvironMount}_ ^^</p>