2022-12-25 20:31
<p>Time tastes like overcooked steak covered in black ashy sand. Nona is the girl who knows how Time tastes. A flavour that alerts her that she is about to witness an event from another time, probably from another reality. Sometimes the scenes play on mute. Sometimes never-ending conversations flow like rivers of sound or twang as if plucked from loud, annoying lips. She smells danger and tears. She touches smooth pictures, cold blood, shattered glass windows and crusty, crumbling memories she had never experienced.</p> <p>And people, so many people. So many death!</p> <p>If she told anyone about her unique talent, most people would be ecstatic, suggesting she could be a superhero! A new Cassandra, foretelling what is to come. Because most people think of reality as a line, but it is not. Time is more like a flushing toilet. As Schrödinger, her cat would say: 'Time is not linear, it is like water swirling in a toilet, and in this case, Nona, you're the porcelain toilet.'</p> <p>But things changed when one day someone online asked her: 'When are you from?'</p> <p>This is Nona's story that never happened, already happened, or might still be written by some random author with too much time on her hands.</p>